Land acquisition, By the special grace of God the church has been moving forward.A proof of this was in 2012, the Year of Dominion as was declared when we obtained our very first full time offices. As is custom, it was opened with a 72-hour Prayer Marathon, which was entitled, “A New Thing.” It was in 2012 also when God blessed us with 3 acres of land, with Royal Assembly being relatively young; the land was on a prime land on a congested city of Gaborone. This followed our 14 days of prayer and fasting in the month of July.
<<< Hosted Dr. Myles Munroe of Blessed Memory >>>
In the same year, Prophet B.F Ramogapi had the privilege of meeting the renowned international speaker and best-selling author, Dr. Myles Munroe of blessed memory in Gaborone, Botswana who undisputedly has played a pivotal role in Royal Assembly. In 2013 we were favored enough to host him in a meeting themed “Kingdom Influence” which was his forte, which pulled over 1000 attendees for the evening service and 500 people for the business breakfast. The meeting culminated with a private meeting with national leaders that even was graced by a former president of the land His Excellency Sir Ketumile Masire of blessed memory.
<<< Hosted Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo >>>
In 2015 we hosted our very first Mega Crossover Fiesta, a 24-hour music festival taking place on the 31st December of every year. This meeting has been prospering since then even allowing us to feature international acts and an attendance of over 3000 people in attendance. In 2016, we hosted for the very first time, one of our beloved mentors Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo who set the city ablaze with a 2-day conference tagged, Territorial Dominion.
<<< Hosted T.D Jakes >>>
The Lord indeed has proved His faithfulness towards Royal Assembly Ministries International through the great work that He has sculptured over the years. We are forever grateful and furthermore expectant for greater as we believe God to take over more territories and establish His Kingdom.
As the Lord keeps on elevating us, God has privileged us to host one of our dearest revered mentors Bishop T.D Jakes who will grace our land, Botswana for the first time on September 11 2017. Prophet B.F Ramogapi has been following Bishop T.D Jakes since 1999 through his materials, books and cassettes until he finally met T.D Jakes through his mentoring program in 2015. God is faithful!